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Are you compliant with GDPR and LOPD?

In May 2018, The European Data Protection Regulation GDPR came into force. This introduced a series of obligations for companies and professionals that process personal data due to their activity.

Among these obligations are those of the implementation of filters at the time of requesting information and forwarding all the correct information to the interested person (the client, employee, user, etc.) regarding the processing of all submitted personal data. Likewise, implementation of a series of protocols that guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of the data we process is mandatory.

In December 2018, the LOPD was approved. A law at state level that develops the Regulation on Data Protection.

Non-observance of these rules may be sanctioned with fines that could mount to 20 million Euros or 4% of the company’s annual turnover.

Why us?

Our law firm is specialized in LEGALTECH  and digital business. One of our main specialties is business adaptation to comply with all current regulations regarding DATA PROTECTION.

You can place your trust in our professionals. Legal advisors that have a background career in Data Protection of over 18 years of experience in all types of companies: public administration and private enterprises, large and small businesses and in all imaginable areas. We love to be put to the test!

We are backed by a loyal client portfolio that has placed trust in us during our growing years up until today. We are constantly training in our fields of practice.

And, would you like to know what our strength is? It’s how we analyse your activity in order to make it compliant to all applicable regulations regarding your operations, instead of the other way around. We guarantee perfect compliance without the imposition of extra heavy protocols or bureaucracy. Entrepreneurs have to deal with enough of that already.

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    This is what we can do for you


    Adapting your business to be compliant with GDPR and LOPD law is mandatory and necessary to avoid the high penalties that may be sanctioned by the Authority for non-compliance.

    1.- Legitimation of the treatment: Implementation of clauses in compliance with articles 6 to 11 LOPDGDD. INFORMATION AND CONSENT.

    2.- Legalization of data processing for third parties: Regulation of all relationships established by the company with EMPLOYEES + SELF-EMPLOYEES + SUBCONTRACTED COMPANIES THAT ACCESS PERSONAL DATA.

    3.- Records of Processing Activity (Art. 31 LOPDGDD and Art 30 RGPD).

    4.- Identification document of the Processing Manager, Managers and Authorized Processing.

    5.- Impact analysis.

    6.- Development of the Data Processing Scenario.

    7.- Security Breach Protocol.

    8.- Legalization in case of International Data Transfer.



    We will legally audit your company and provide you with legal representation against any sanctioning procedure due to the Authority in the administrative route or in Court.


    We will prepare all the required Clauses and legalization. Legal Terms & Conditions adapted to the implementation of IoT technology, hardware distribution, etc.


    We defend the legal interests of our clients whenever appearing on the Internet. We exercise your right to be forgotten, erase harmful comments, fake reviews, brand infringements, impersonations, etc.


    We can help to resolve Civil, Commercial and Contentious-Administrative areas derived from matters related to new technologies.

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