Juridical services


Commercial Law

Recurrent counselling on all the running of commercial companies from its incorporation to its extinction, and corporate secretary. Agreements between partners or shareholders; developing family protocols. Legal assistance to boards of directors and shareholders’ meetings.

Assistance to governing and managing bodies of the company as well as to its departments giving support to them on a daily basis in order to resolve any issues of legal nature and compliance with current legislation, practical solutions research and issuance of our legal opinion on issues related to the daily running of the company.

Preparation, negotiation and analysis of any contract connected with the ordinary business of the company. Procedures for contractual resolution and termination. Special contracts: agency, supply and distribution; financing; banking; advertising; franchising; trading and e-commerce.

Specialists in claiming as a result of resolution of agency and distribution agreements, by judicial and out-of-court means. Drafting of distribution and agency agreements for distribution and supplying companies, modification and adaptation of contracts and agreements to current existing legislation; out-of-court settlement in cases of contractual disputes arising from contractual resolution and exercise of appropriate legal actions when the transaction is not possible.

Legal advice and execution of all types of corporate transactions: Transformation of corporate form; Mergers and spin-offs; Global assignments of assets and liabilities; Dissolution and liquidation of companies. Assistance to transactions on purchase and sale of companies and business restructuring operations with tracking of the whole operation from the very beginning up to its full execution; drafting of preliminary documents, due diligence and review until the appropriate formalization of the transaction.

Legal counselling and defence on issues related to any kind of unfair commercial practice: acts of deception and confusion, imitation, misleading practices, misappropriation of another party’s reputation, violation of secrets, unfair recruitment of employees and customers, sales at a loss and illicit advertising activities. Drafting and negotiation of marketing and advertising agreements.

Insolvency law

Full legal advice in previous measures to be taken by individuals or companies facing provisional or definitive insolvency situation. This counsel includes all labour, bankruptcy, financial and tax issues. Negotiation of agreements and / or anticipated agreements with creditors. Advice and representation in pre-bankruptcy proceedings. Refinancing agreements with financial institutions.


Management, planning and monitoring of voluntary insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings or against third parties. Representation of creditors in bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings. Representation of interested parties in the liquidation of assets within bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings.

Design of strategies to maximize the injection of liquidity by means of implementing supplier plans, agreements and judicial or extrajudicial claims. From the point of view of the creditor, analysis of a possible credit recovery; defence of creditor claims both in judicial or extrajudicial situations. Credit objection and credit recognition.

Advice and defence in directors’ liability matters and other related to insolvency court proceedings.

Insolvency Administration in insolvency proceedings within the province of Barcelona (Spain). Advice and counsel to insolvency administration.

New technologies and IT law

IN-PERSON LOPD (Spanish Organic Law on Data Protection):
Implementation of the Spanish Data Protection Law (LOPD) and its implementing regulations. Legal and technical audits of compliance with the LOPD and its implementing regulations. Drafting of half-yearly reports pursuant to provisions of Royal Decree 1720/2007, of development of the LOPD. In-company training to managers and / or users in data protection matters. Drafting of Codes of conduct. Legal defence in disciplinary procedures before the Agency Data Protection and tracking of the process within the contentious-administrative field. Drafting and tracking of Type Codes until their approval. Privacy protection and protection of the rights of individuals and companies on the Internet.

Our professional team counts on specialized Computer Engineers, which add value to the practical application of LOPD.

ONLINE LOPD (Spanish Organic Law on Data Protection)
An online platform that allows adapting your business to Spanish Protection Data Law and Spanish Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LOPD-LSSICE). At the end of the process specified in this platform, you will be provided with all compulsory documentation duly personalized with the corresponding instructions to comply with current legislation: agreements with employees, data controllers, web clauses, etc. This service includes a documental area as well as tracking and maintenance services. The platform allows executing eventual audits (as you wish) or the compulsory audit every two years in order to verify the status of the adaptation.

Protection of intellectual property of the proprietary software. Protection of rights infringed by a fraudulent use of new technologies.

Support and legal assistance to draft and negotiate all kinds of NT and IT agreements (such as software and databases, program development, applications, agreements of IT services outsourcing, cloud computing agreements, hosting, etc).

Adaptation of Web sites to LSSICE (Spanish Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce) and LOPD (Spanish Data Protection Law). Protection of Web sites Intellectual Property. Legal advice on implementation of e-commerce systems. Representation in disciplinary proceedings arising from an infringement of the LSSICE. Full advice on domain names: registration, renewal and tracking; recovery of expired or misappropriated domain names; claiming for domain names to third parties; mediation in the purchase and sale and domain names backorder.

Issuance of digital certificates by means of well-known Certification Entities. Implementation of electronic systems for compliance with legal requirements affecting the company. Implementation and legal advice on electronic firm and / or electronic invoice matters. Implementation and advice on certified digitalisation matters.

Legal counselling on the right to honour, privacy and personal image. Court proceedings related to this matter: exercise of legal actions in order to achieve the cessation of illegal interference and repairing damage caused. Agreements for assignment of rights to personal image. Compliance with privacy policies in companies.

Mediation and arbitration


Services of drawing and execution of out-of-court conflict resolution instruments:

— Intervention in all kinds of arbitration proceedings.
— Representation of parties in mediation proceedings.
— Impartial mediation in conflicts related to civil or commercial matters.

Procedural & litigation

Services that allow setting forth the best legal procedure strategy to challenge and defence disputes related to civil and commercial matters:

― Preliminary counselling and preventive law
― Legal advice on all kinds of legal proceedings related to civil and commercial matters
― Legal counselling on claims arising from termination or infringement of contractual relationships.

In particular, legal counselling services on corporate litigation proceedings: liability actions; disputes between shareholders; challenges to corporate agreements; procedural execution of shareholders’ agreements.

Specialists in counselling on dispute situations between partners or shareholders or between a member and its company, representing all of them: the majority partner, the minority partner and the company itself. Out-of-court advice (attending to general meetings and boards of directors, etc.) and court representation in case of the above mentioned disputes.
We count on an extensive experience in using the tools and resources offered by our legal system for the prevention and resolution of these kinds of conflicts, in order to look for, whenever is possible, the fastest and least expensive solution, being adjusted to the defended interests. We are also specialists in the adoption and introduction of preventive measures in the by-laws or in the out-of-bylaws agreements that may govern internal relations and avoid dispute situations that might arise or even solve them.

Our professional team counts on an expert lawyer who is specialised in corporate law and another expert lawyer who is specialised in mediation-procedural law. They do work together in this kinds of cases, so that they provide legal practice with an added value in order to solve the situations above described.

Legal defence of companies and individuals at any stage of the criminal proceedings (instruction, trial, appeal, appeal in cassation, etc.) and before any court (Courts of Instruction, Juvenile Courts, Criminal Courts, Provincial Courts, High Courts of Justice, Supreme Court or Constitutional Court, Jury Court). Representation of the private prosecution.

Actively engaged on administrative and judicial proceedings (Labour and Social Security).
Assistance to the Labour Inspectorate. Defence in disciplinary procedures. Occupational accidents.
Individual and collective dispute procedures and challenge of collective agreements. Special appeals to the highest authority; appeals in cassation and legal protection appeals.

Legal defence and legal counselling on all kinds of administrative procedures and contentious-administrative proceedings before courts (related to expropriations, with the approval of urban planning and managing instruments and concerning the refusal of licenses or the application of sanctions, etc.)

Full legal advice in the development of the insolvency proceedings, both from the point of view of the insolvent person-debtor as well as defending the position of creditors (management of insolvency credits, challenging of reports, defence of reintegration actions, termination of contracts, study of the liquidation planning, etc.) Bankruptcy liability actions against the director of the company.

We are specialists in management of bad debts and defaults in payment. Design of protocols for action against defaults. In-company training in efficient management bad debts and defaults in payment. Mediation, negotiation and drafting of settlement agreements. Judicial and extrajudicial management of bad debts and legal actions to ensure full recovery of outstanding debts. Execution procedures.

Bank law and financial law

Legal counselling on contracting all kinds of services and banking products and operations (factoring, leasing, confirming, renting, credit cards, mortgage and consumer financing). Preventive advice and judicial and extrajudicial claiming. Specialized in negotiating agreements and solutions with bank entities, as well as in claiming before the Bank of Spain.

In our team we count on an expert lawyer who is specialised in legal action against financial institutions in situations in which reaching an agreement is not possible and there are some infringements of applicable regulations, abuses and bad banking practices or improper commercialisation or acquisition of a product (by way of example, preferred shares, SWAPS, mortgage floor clauses, unfair contract terms, in lieu of payment, etc.).

Tax Law

Economic and financial advice, executing the following tasks:

― Analysis of the economic and financial situation of companies.
― Economic and Financial Reports for Boards of Directors and for Partners and Shareholders (Ownership).
― Analysis and design of Dashboards within the economic and financial field.
― Formalization of policies for financial restructuring. Definition of policies for working capital management and financial planning.
― Design of actions to achieve asset rebalancing.
― Formalization of viability plans.
― Preparation of bankruptcy proceedings.
― Analysis of the profitability of projects.
― Preparation of redundancy and dismissal schemes.
― Accounting advice.
― Company Valuation.

Laboral law

Recurrent labour advice in:

– Employment Agreements (drafting of all types of contracts, special clauses) and their extensions and their official registration;
– Faults and penalties (preparation, drafting and delivering of sanction letters);
– Inquiries and analysis related to collective agreements; geographical and functional mobility and other substantial changes in working conditions;
– Inquiries related to eventual labour inspections.
– Calculation of severance pay.
– Advice on contributions to Social Security and information on applicable incentives or benefits derived from employment;
– Previous Claims on Social Security matters.

Special labour advice on:

– Drafting letters of disciplinary and objective dismissal. Individual dismissals.
– Implementation of collective substantial changes to employment contracts.
– Development of corporate policies and internal protocols, as well as equality plans, training plans, etc.
– Remuneration systems. Design of remuneration policies.
– Negotiation and drafting of special employment agreements.

The services provided are the following:

− Dealing with employee’s registration with the General Treasury of the Social Security and opening of new working centres
− In and out employees’ registration, employment agreements, extensions as well as contractual modifications.
− Management through Contrat@ system.
− Control of expiry dates of agreements.
− Company certificates for dealing with several employment benefits, unemployment, maternity, paternity, Temporary Incapacity direct payment, retirement as well as their managing process.
− Dealing with illness and accidents notes. Management and communication of occupational accidents.
− Management of Temporary Incapacity notes.
− Application of the Collective Agreement of the sector: study of wage updates, etc.
− Preparation of salaries. Preparation of monthly payslips and settlements as well as delivery of encrypted payslips by e-mail to the responsible person, with the option to include the logo and / or official seal of the company.
− Drafting of Social Security bulletins.
− Delivery of files related to remuneration concepts paid.
− Bank remittance files.
− Monthly preparation of accounting summary of salary cost allocation (via Excel).
− Monthly social insurance management, CRETA, files of remuneration concepts paid.
− Filing of Model 111 monthly / quarterly and annual summary, filing of Model 190.
− Delivery of certificate of deductions on employment income to the beneficiaries.
− Recurrent inquiries and information regarding the Statute of Workers and current labour legislation.

Legal counselling and managing on any operation involving collective redundancies in employment regulation schemes.

Counselling, legal assistance and cooperation by means of the appearance before the CMAC, the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate (either ex officio or upon complaint).

Negotiating and drafting contracts of senior executive management personnel. Agreements, special agreements, protection and non-competition clauses, inclusion within the organizational structure of the company, removal of senior managers, etc.

Legal advice and participation in Collective Negotiation and Collective Bargaining Agreements and Conventions.

Legal counselling from the point of view of labour law on both commercial and insolvency restructuring operations and corporate reorganization, which may entail personnel downsizing, collective dismissals or collective suspensions and reductions in working hours. Bankruptcy Files. Collective relocations. Labour and Social Security audit.

For the purpose of being able to offer a service more innovative and closer to the company’s own needs, we provide you with the possibility to delegate in ourselves the direct management of the tasks detailed below. In this way, you shall be able to be released from the internal workload by reducing personnel costs in the Human Resources department. This module shall be budgeted adapted and performed individually according to every business and company needs.

Services offered are the following:

− Personnel selection, letters of recommendation, etc.
− Training and assessment of positions for task optimization: job description, attribution of responsibility.
− Assessment of the performance: for decision-making regarding the conditions of the personnel such as need for new recruitment, job changes, etc.
− Flexible remuneration policies.
− Cost allocation tailored to specific business needs.
− Preparation of employees’ payslips and delivery of encrypted payslips by e-mail to the responsible person, with the option to include the logo and / or official seal of the company.
− Preparation of bank remittance.
− Delivery of payslips by email and directly to employees.
− Direct service to employees in resolving eventual incidents on their payslips.
− Management of direct payment of overtime, sales commissions, allowances, travel costs, advance payments, seizures, etc.
− Direct payment to individual employees of their salaries by means of configuring the remittance file for further management by the bank entity.
− Planning flexible remuneration within the company frame: medical insurance, restaurant tickets, rental housing, vehicle
− Stock options payment
− Performance of personalized costs imputation to the eventual needs of the company: internal communication circuits, SAP, etc.
− Annual preparation of the labour calendar of the company and working centres.
− Planning of the different ordinary and weekend working shifts
− Direct control of absence rates: holiday, paid and unpaid leaves, temporary incapacity processes, suspension of employment agreement for maternity leave or unpaid leave or employment regulation schemes (ERE)
− Direct care of employees in signing their employment agreements, extensions, shift changes, relocations, etc.
− Management of disciplinary and dismissal proceedings, with direct notice to the affected employee/s
− Control on maturity dates of compulsory agreement insurance policies
− Supervision of the proper performance of health surveillance and prevention activities in occupational safety and health at work
− Administrative management of all formalities being necessary for the employees to have access to external centres, contracts, subcontracts through the several portals: B2B (UCAGECI), virtual office of the Social Security, etc.

Legal counselling on international movements of workers (labour and social security aspects).

Civil law


Separation, divorce and annulment procedures. Judicial and mutually agreed procedures. Lawful unions. Matrimonial property and its liquidation. Negotiating pre-nuptial agreements. Parenthood. Care and custody of minors, parental authority and visiting regulations. provisional and definitive measures, its modification and execution.


Testate and intestate successions, inheritance management, Wills, Legitimacy. Agreements as to succession. Declaration of intestate heirs. Awarding and distribution of the estate. Testamentary execution reports. Challenge to testamentary dispositions.


Legal counselling and managing of proceedings for legal incapacitation. Care institutions. Measures to protect the incapacitate property.


Legal counselling on all types of real estate transactions; in the strategy planning and design, negotiation, purchase, promotion, financing, management and sale. Real estate investment. Construction law; works contracts. Residential and Commercial Lease agreements. Joint ownership, community estate. Division of commonly owned estate. Horizontal property. Claims arising from construction.


Legal counselling on mortgage agreements, subrogation, cancellations and renegotiations. Domain records or property claims and cancellation of land charges with the register.


Legal counselling and drafting of all kinds of contracts and agreements in civil matters: sale and purchase agreements, donation, lease agreements on goods, work and services, management and custody agreements, financing and guarantee, associative agreements, random contracts and transaction agreements and arbitration. Mandate contract, contract of representation. All claims arising from said contracts or agreements.


Claims and defence for contractual and non-contractual liability.


Advice and defence in all kinds of processes related to consumers’ and users’ rights and its defence. Product liability. Advertising.


Management and prevention of debt and default in payment. Design of an action protocol against defaults; out-of-court and judicial management of payment defaults; Mediation, negotiation and drafting of out-of-court settlement agreements.


Compensation claims by judicial and extrajudicial means. Defence of the rights of the injured.

Other services

Intellectual property law

Legal counselling on the legal status of copyright and related rights. Protection and management of intellectual property rights: registration, claims, negotiation with users and managing entities. Full advice in agreements related to acquisition and exploitation of intellectual property rights and other content within the fields of publishing, audiovisual, musical and entertainment areas (performing and movement arts). Legal defence in proceedings related to infringement of intellectual property rights.

Legal counselling on registration and inscription procedures of distinguishing signs, patents and utility models at national, EU and international levels. Drafting and negotiation of agreements of assignment and license of use for the exploitation and transfer of your industrial property rights. Confidentiality agreements. Legal defence of industrial property rights by means of the necessary extrajudicial and judicial actions.

Legal advice and management on files related to national, EU and international designs and trade marks. National and international trade marks tracking service.

Criminal law

Legal counselling and advice on criminal proceedings, before the Courts or the Prosecution, by defending the interests of the clients, accused parties or victims of all types of economic crimes.

Assistance to victims and persons under arrest in Police Headquarters, before Domestic Violence Court or Public Prosecutor’s Office or Juvenile Court. Specialists with specific training to intervene before the Public Prosecutor and the Juvenile court as well as in cases of domestic violence and gender violence.

Legal support and advice to client on the procedures for suspension and replacement of sentences and the defence of people transferred to prison.

Defence at the special jurisdiction of criminal responsibility of minors.

Defence of all types of crimes and offences. Drawing and filing criminal accusations and complaints. Civil liability derived from the crime.

Legal counselling and defence of commercial companies in those cases in which the criminal liability of the legal person might be declared. Legal advice to companies of all sizes, and their partners and shareholders, directors and senior executives related to the creation and improvement of their internal procedures for preventing and detecting irregularities, which may have possible criminal implications, and may arise from their economic activity. For this purpose, we deal with consultations, carry out reviewing procedures, we draft legal opinions and develop risk prevention programs or compliance programs and we offer internal training sessions.

Economic and financial law

Economic and financial advice, executing the following tasks:

― Analysis of the economic and financial situation of companies.
― Economic and Financial Reports for Boards of Directors and for Partners and Shareholders (Ownership).
― Analysis and design of Dashboards within the economic and financial field.
― Formalization of policies for financial restructuring. Definition of policies for working capital management and financial planning.
― Design of actions to achieve asset rebalancing.
― Formalization of viability plans.
― Preparation of bankruptcy proceedings.
― Analysis of the profitability of projects.
― Preparation of redundancy and dismissal schemes.
― Accounting advice.
― Company Valuation.

Labour law

Recurrent labour advice in:

– Employment Agreements (drafting of all types of contracts, special clauses) and their extensions and their official registration;
– Faults and penalties (preparation, drafting and delivering of sanction letters);
– Inquiries and analysis related to collective agreements; geographical and functional mobility and other substantial changes in working conditions;
– Inquiries related to eventual labour inspections.
– Calculation of severance pay.
– Advice on contributions to Social Security and information on applicable incentives or benefits derived from employment;
– Previous Claims on Social Security matters.

Special labour advice on:

– Drafting letters of disciplinary and objective dismissal. Individual dismissals.
– Implementation of collective substantial changes to employment contracts.
– Development of corporate policies and internal protocols, as well as equality plans, training plans, etc.
– Remuneration systems. Design of remuneration policies.
– Negotiation and drafting of special employment agreements.

The services provided are the following:

− Dealing with employee’s registration with the General Treasury of the Social Security and opening of new working centres
− In and out employees’ registration, employment agreements, extensions as well as contractual modifications.
− Management through Contrat@ system.
− Control of expiry dates of agreements.
− Company certificates for dealing with several employment benefits, unemployment, maternity, paternity, Temporary Incapacity direct payment, retirement as well as their managing process.
− Dealing with illness and accidents notes. Management and communication of occupational accidents.
− Management of Temporary Incapacity notes.
− Application of the Collective Agreement of the sector: study of wage updates, etc.
− Preparation of salaries. Preparation of monthly payslips and settlements as well as delivery of encrypted payslips by e-mail to the responsible person, with the option to include the logo and / or official seal of the company.
− Drafting of Social Security bulletins.
− Delivery of files related to remuneration concepts paid.
− Bank remittance files.
− Monthly preparation of accounting summary of salary cost allocation (via Excel).
− Monthly social insurance management, CRETA, files of remuneration concepts paid.
− Filing of Model 111 monthly / quarterly and annual summary, filing of Model 190.
− Delivery of certificate of deductions on employment income to the beneficiaries.
− Recurrent inquiries and information regarding the Statute of Workers and current labour legislation.

Legal counselling and managing on any operation involving collective redundancies in employment regulation schemes.

Counselling, legal assistance and cooperation by means of the appearance before the CMAC, the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate (either ex officio or upon complaint).

Negotiating and drafting contracts of senior executive management personnel. Agreements, special agreements, protection and non-competition clauses, inclusion within the organizational structure of the company, removal of senior managers, etc.

Legal advice and participation in Collective Negotiation and Collective Bargaining Agreements and Conventions.

Legal counselling from the point of view of labour law on both commercial and insolvency restructuring operations and corporate reorganization, which may entail personnel downsizing, collective dismissals or collective suspensions and reductions in working hours. Bankruptcy Files. Collective relocations. Labour and Social Security audit.

For the purpose of being able to offer a service more innovative and closer to the company’s own needs, we provide you with the possibility to delegate in ourselves the direct management of the tasks detailed below. In this way, you shall be able to be released from the internal workload by reducing personnel costs in the Human Resources department. This module shall be budgeted adapted and performed individually according to every business and company needs.

Services offered are the following:

− Personnel selection, letters of recommendation, etc.
− Training and assessment of positions for task optimization: job description, attribution of responsibility.
− Assessment of the performance: for decision-making regarding the conditions of the personnel such as need for new recruitment, job changes, etc.
− Flexible remuneration policies.
− Cost allocation tailored to specific business needs.
− Preparation of employees’ payslips and delivery of encrypted payslips by e-mail to the responsible person, with the option to include the logo and / or official seal of the company.
− Preparation of bank remittance.
− Delivery of payslips by email and directly to employees.
− Direct service to employees in resolving eventual incidents on their payslips.
− Management of direct payment of overtime, sales commissions, allowances, travel costs, advance payments, seizures, etc.
− Direct payment to individual employees of their salaries by means of configuring the remittance file for further management by the bank entity.
− Planning flexible remuneration within the company frame: medical insurance, restaurant tickets, rental housing, vehicle
− Stock options payment
− Performance of personalized costs imputation to the eventual needs of the company: internal communication circuits, SAP, etc.
− Annual preparation of the labour calendar of the company and working centres.
− Planning of the different ordinary and weekend working shifts
− Direct control of absence rates: holiday, paid and unpaid leaves, temporary incapacity processes, suspension of employment agreement for maternity leave or unpaid leave or employment regulation schemes (ERE)
− Direct care of employees in signing their employment agreements, extensions, shift changes, relocations, etc.
− Management of disciplinary and dismissal proceedings, with direct notice to the affected employee/s
− Control on maturity dates of compulsory agreement insurance policies
− Supervision of the proper performance of health surveillance and prevention activities in occupational safety and health at work
− Administrative management of all formalities being necessary for the employees to have access to external centres, contracts, subcontracts through the several portals: B2B (UCAGECI), virtual office of the Social Security, etc.

Legal counselling on international movements of workers (labour and social security aspects).


Our firm counts on lawyers who are specialised in different areas of law with a wide experience in legal advice to companies being active in the sectors described below. These lawyers combine the technical and legal expertise with an extensive knowledge and experience in these sectors, which involves the ability to offer a complete legal advice of the best and highest quality.

Extensive experience in providing legal advice to clients within the food industry, at all stages of the production and distribution chain of these products, both in the recurrent advice during the daily activity, as in legal advice on operations or specific issues. By way of example, advice on sale and purchase of goods or equipment, renting or purchase of commercial facilities, trademark licensing, product liability, packaging and labelling, advertising and consumer law and data protection, contracts & agreements related to production, commercialisation and distribution, promotion, storage and transport of products. Likewise, counselling services in administrative, intellectual property, out-of-court negotiations and judicial proceedings.

Specialists in multidisciplinary advice in all matters of the agents involved in the sector, both recurrent advice in daily ordinary activity and advice on particular operations or specific topics. The counselling may be related to any issue arising within the scope of the activity described. By way of example, within the field of corporate law, restructuring, commercial agreements, real estate law (sale and lease of facilities, business transfer or licensing and execution of works), urban law (license management), banking law (revision of loan and credit agreements, mortgages and guarantees), consumer law and data protection, intellectual and industrial property rights (protection of trademarks, domain names, etc.), arbitration and court proceedings and tax and labour law (both recurrent advice and tax planning, financing as well as recruiting and dismissal of employees and managers, social security issues).

Full legal advice to business families in order to ensure the continuity of their business project and manage to preserve the heritage property. This legal counselling shall consist of, inter alia, negotiation, drafting and execution of family protocols and agreements between partners; drafting of regulations of the board of directors or the family council; reorganization of family assets and tax planning; planning of heritage property succession; legal advice on the corporate restructuring within the group of family businesses; Company and family members tax planning; prevention and conflict resolution; support and assistance in the professionalisation of the family business.

Lawyers specialised in counselling to foundations and non-profit organizations, with a comprehensive knowledge of applicable law. Our legal advice ranges from their incorporation, support in the daily management of these entities and the development of their business, tax and labour issues until their dissolution and extinction.

Legal counselling on the field of Insurance Law, especially in the drafting and interpretation of insurance agreements, dealing with complaints and executing judicial proceedings within the national scope related to insurance and pension funds matters. Tax advice.

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