
our team

Legal Tech

Xavi Saula

Laura Bachs

Elisabet Gratti

Commercial Law

Anna Compte

Cristina Pérez

Labor Law

Allende Azcárate

Ramón Salvat

Tax Law

Ricard Pla

Eduard Ventura

Jordi Tolós

Andreu Fernández

Intellectual and Industrial Property

Xavi Saula

Lucas Martín

Criminal Law

Ricardo Estellés

Marta Soto

Civil Law

Anna Sánchez

Elisabet Gratti

Procedure Law

Xavi Saula

Anna Compte

Javier Campillo

Lucas Martín

Insolvency and Financial Distress

Xavi Saula

Cristina Pérez


Laura Dalmau

Laura San José

Anna Compte

Anna Compte

Commercial Law
Civil Contracts
Corporate Conflicts

“ We must transmit serenity and confidence as in the end it is what the client is looking for in a lawyer. ”

Find out more about Anna

After working for several law firms where I trained myself in Civil and Commercial law fields, I developed the last years of my professional career in BDO, as account manager, and cooperating with the team of mergers and acquisitions, and also in Duran-Sindreu, as Director of the Commercial Law Department. In 2013 I decided to start working on my own and, after what I have learned, exercising the profession under the values in which I believe.


I love being a lawyer but my other passion is teaching, and the UOC (Open University of Catalonia) allows me developing it for more than twelve years, serving as a professor in matters relating to commercial law and in the Legal Advice Masters. I like offering a personalized and close service as well as getting deeply involved in the issues and the clients so that they feel supported and safe.

My hobbies are going back to my hometown, on the Costa Brava, whenever I can and there getting away from the daily workload enjoying with my family; also getting pleasure from the sea; profiting a nice dinner with some friends and, above all, meeting my son Alex’s smile in the morning or when I get home after a day of work.

Xavi Saula

Xavi Saula

Civil and Commercial Procedure
Insolvency Law
New Technologies
Bad debts management and default in payment

“ The lawyer must, above all, be empathetic with his client and with what is going around him. ”

Find out more about Xavi

My professional career began in 1998, when I started an internship in the City Council of Barcelona and trained in some small lawyers’ offices.

In 2002 I joined the firm Duran-Sindreu, where I led the birth, growth and consolidation of the Departments of Commercial Law, Litigation, Insolvency and Bankrupcty Law and New Technologies Law, which I managed until 2013 by combining these tasks with the exercise of the Bankruptcy Administration. That year I decided to become independent of large structures. I love my profession, in all its facets, from designing the most complex strategy to defending the most trivial injustices by wearing the toga. I always make my best efforts. I confess myself as an unconditional fan of Apple, and for the purpose of overcoming the stress that our profession may entail, I do practice sports, family life and occasionally I give long film sessions to myself as a present.

Allende Azcárate

Allende Azcárate

Labour Management
Human Resources

“ I do like the capacity of providing my clients with efficient solutions and adapted to their needs. ”

Find out more about Allende

My specialisation in the field of labour law began once I completed my law studies at the University of Oviedo in 1999. This election is marked by a long career in the family firm located in those green Asturian lands, with an experience of forty-eight years rendering legal services and advice to small and medium enterprises (SME), which allowed me to acquire a wide training and, experience as well as core values of professionalism and closeness to the client, conditions so needed for the daily advice required by all SMEs. My jump into Barcelona occurred in October 2010, when I joined BDO Spain, a professional services international firm in which I was able to extend my knowledge to more specific needs and dynamics of large international business.

Undoubtedly what I am more passionate about in my job is the optimization of human resources in companies, by combining the most important values for a proper management of working time under the suitability of a remuneration system according to the economic capacity of each of them and thus achieve a lower rate of industrial disputes. After long hours of office I love disconnecting and removing the accumulated tension with a good yoga session, which allows me not only to adopt a good body physical alignment but also to cultivate values being as necessary as confidence, respect, empathy that always get good synergies in all spheres.

Ramón Salvat

Ramón Salvat

Labor and Social Security Law
Labor Procedure Law

“ El Derecho, como sistema lógico de normas interconectadas, requiere un equipo multidisciplinar para su completa comprensión. Solo así puede plantearse una eficaz defensa de los intereses del Cliente. ”

Find out more about Ramón

Member of the Barcelona Bar Association since 2015.

Master in Labour and Social Security Law.

Master in Human Resources.

EPJ in Commercial Law.

Fluent communication in Spanish, Catalan, English and Italian.

I offer advice in defending workers’ rights and also in defence of the companies rights for a simple reason. My interest in both fields is not contradictory but complimentary. The measures that favour the company will help create or maintain jobs that they have already created and the defence of workers’ rights will be the best way for a business to maintain a safe, happy and healthy work environment, in which to promote the growth of the company itself from a social perspective and, again, keeping a business productive.

I’m passionate about the 90s – my childhood decade – and all the culture that revolves around it. I love to go hiking in the mountains with my dog ​​”Gaspard” and sharing the journey with family and friends.

I have been skiing since I was very young and I practiced boxing during my teen years.

It would make me immensely happy to be able to teach at University in the field of Labour Law and Social Security at some point in my life.

Javier Campillo

Javier Campillo

Procedure Law
Civil Procedure Law

“ As a lawyer we must have the ability to create efficient legal arguments, and the capacity to analyze and synthesize complex legal situations; predominating technical rigor, honestly and sensitivity to the situation presented by the client. ”

Find out more about Javier

I began my professional career doing my academic internship at the “Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Barcelona”, assigned to the Legal Guidance Service and the Free Justice Processing Service. I did my professional internship at the Brox Advocats law firm, where I did the internship and later performed the functions of the legal profession. In those early years, during the first court hearings that I held as a lawyer, my vocation as a procedural lawyer arose.

Subsequently, I started practicing law on my own, which I combine with the service of defense and free legal assistance in the “Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Barcelona”. In 2015 I joined as a lawyer in the firm Fuester Güell, where I had the opportunity to grow professionally in different legal areas and I was able to enhance my specialization as a litigation lawyer.

Now, in Auris Advocats, I take on the challenge of leading the litigation department; with the aim of constantly providing a legal service of the highest quality, based on experience, proximity, efficiency, rigor and technical solvency.

In my free time, to disconnect, I always try to spend quality time with family and friends; I also like to enjoy music, reading, cinema and sports, especially swimming and hiking.

Lucas Martín

Lucas Martín

Civil Procedure Law
Intellectual and Industrial Property

“ The modern lawyer must be professional and rigorous without sacrificing neither empathy nor the ability to help the client understand their situation.. ”

Find out more about Lucas

Graduated in Law at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona.

Student of the Master in Law at UPF-BSM.

I started my career in 2018 as an intern at FONT ADVOCATS, where I learnt essential values regarding our lawyer profession, such as rigor, attention to detail and proximity to the client. Now, at AURIS ADVOCATS, I intend to continue developing my professional career, upholding the principles that I have been acquiring until now, and forging new ones. Although it sounds like a cliché, I love my job!

Elisabet Gratti

Elisabet Gratti

Civil Law
Individual’s right, family and inheritance law
Contracts and negotiation

“ The lawyer’s worth is not assessed for his knowledge but for his ingenuity and skills in using all his knowledge in his favour. ”

Find out more about Elisabet

My professional career began in 2002 when I got a scholarship as civil law professor at the University of Barcelona. In 2006 I became professor at the Open University of Catalonia. I combined that job with working as a private company lawyer until 2014, when I decided to leave teaching and exercising law on my own, by specialising myself in Individual’s Right, Family and Inheritance Law. What I like most about my profession is dealing directly with the clients and their confidence deposited on me.

Every client is unique and every case means a new challenge to me.
My biggest hobby is spending time with my three children and my antidote to de-stress myself is one hour of sport a day and reading.

Laura Bachs

Laura Bachs

New Technologies Law
Data Protection
Litigation Law

“ Inmediatez y proximidad. Bienvenidos a la abogacía del futuro. ”

Find out more about Laura

I’m devoted to the Law of New Technologies and Data Protection. Additionally, I have a passion for procedural law. Going into litigation and being able to defend the interests of individuals and companies who place their trust in us, is very gratifying.

Lawyer and Journalist; graduated at the UOC and the UAB. I would define myself as a humanist, I’m a supportive person and also a strategist. I’m a book lover, a music lover and I enjoy a good story.

Being part of Auris Advocats is truly a privilege. Contributing to make the new legal profession a reality, far from the traditional archaism of Law practice is the key to grow without restrictions. To lead de vanguard. We evolve together and I feel at home.

Cristina Pérez

Cristina Pérez

Commercial Law
Insolvency and Financial Distress

“ Working hand-in-hand with our clients to provide legal solutions tailored to their business needs. ”

Find out more about Cristina

Graduated from the Complutense University of Madrid with a Bachelor’s Degree in Law, a Master’s Degree in Admission to the Bar and a Master’s Degree in Corporate Law. After completing my undergraduate and postgraduate studies, I began my professional career in the legal department of a global pharmaceutical company, where I was able to apply my knowledge in an international context. After almost two years in the previous company, I joined a pharmaceutical consultancy to set up the legal department and provide external advice to pharmaceutical companies, providing external legal assistance in the review of commercial agreements and regulatory compliance.

At Auris Advocats, I currently work in the corporate department and the insolvency department, two interrelated areas in which we face new challenges every day and try to provide the best solution for each case with maximum commitment.

Apart from my daily work at the firm, I enjoy playing sports, especially paddle tennis and triathlon, and spending time with my family and friends

Jordi Tolós

Jordi Tolós

Tax legal advice

“ Practical solutions, real needs-oriented. ”

Find out more about Jordi

I graduated in Economics and Business from the University of Barcelona and I got a Master in Tax Consultancy and Management (AGT) by ESADE. I am currently a member of the Spanish Association of Tax Consultants (AEDAF)

Since 1996 I work on tax advice matters, having gained extensive experience in the fields of Company Taxation, Tax advice and National and International Tax Planning, and having executed many business corporate restructurings and tax savings property structures.

I participated as a speaker at several conferences on different topics related to Tax Law.

Andreu Fernández

Andreu Fernández

Pre-litigation Tax Advice
Tax Procedure

“ The service must be in the hands of the direct advisor, without intermediaries. ”

Find out more about Andreu

After a few years working as a lawyer of the Public Administration in tax matters, in 2007 I joined the firm Crowe Horwath in order to consolidate and manage the team of Tax proceedings and the Information Coordination Centre of the firm. In 2013 I decided to work on my own.

I enjoy examining the cases carefully and defending the interests of my clients in tax litigation and, as I am deeply involved with them, I celebrate every appeal allowed or upheld, almost as much as they do, which encourages me to continue growing professionally. As a counterpart to the demanding aspect of our work, I try to balance it with the occasional practice of sport, especially in the mountains, by reading historical novels, spending time with my family and friends and enjoying the cuisine in all its expressions.

Marta Soto

Marta Soto

Criminal Procedure Law
Criminal Law

“ I do try to deal with my clients’ issues as if they were my own. ”

Find out more about Marta

After obtaining my law degree and conducting postgraduate studies at the University Pompeu Fabra, I started in 2001 my professional career in one of the more renowned and prestigious criminal law firms of the city of Barcelona, with the criminal lawyer and doctor Mr. Antonio Viader Vives as my mentor. I was specialising myself there for several years until I decided to become professionally independent.

I have completed specialization in economic criminal law, penitentiary law and domestic violence offences, in addition to count on the mandatory authorization to exercise my profession in criminal proceedings against minors.

During my years of practice I have assumed the legal counsel of all types of criminal cases, many of them with public importance, in defence of both the interests of large corporations in crimes related to their business and the interests of individuals.

I am a vocational professional lawyer and in my profession, as in my life, apart from being honest, committed and conscientious, I do try to deal with my clients’ issues as if they were my own.

I love the sea, travelling, photography and essentially enjoying my time with my little big family.

Ricardo Estellés

Ricardo Estellés

Criminal and Civil Procedure Law
Criminal Law

“ Lawyers must adapt to a new society and to new technologies. ”

Find out more about Ricardo

After studying my Law Degree in Madrid and a Postgraduate in Criminology in Rome, I made my training with the Superior Body of State Lawyers. In Barcelona I started my professional career working for legal boutiques specialised in civil and criminal procedure law, before moving on to work at Garrigues. I complemented my education with a Masters in ESADE and a Masters in the Garrigues Studies Centre. I am a vocational lawyer since childhood and a real passionate about criminal law.

I am a sports lover, which brings me values such as discipline, perseverance and effort, which I also apply to my profession. I love swimming in the open sea, diving, running, triathlon and practicing Crossfit. I am married and I have two beautiful daughters who are my true devotion.

Anna Sánchez González

Anna Sánchez González

Family right
Marriage law
Procedures for minors forsaken before the DGAIA

“ My vocation is the law and at the time I exercise my profession, my passion grows for what I do since my greatest reward is to see the satisfaction of a client that you have been able to help. ”

Find out more about Anna

After studying law at the Pompeu Fabra University and at the end of a Master of Specialization, I had the opportunity in 2004 to be selected to take an internship in an office of recognized prestige within family law, the Law Office of Mª José Varela Portela.

Since then I became part of it and I have stayed there for more than 11 years. This has allowed me to acquire a consolidated experience within the sector by giving me the opportunity to access various issues related to the area of ​​law that I really love, family law.

Consolidated my experience after more than 11 years practicing, I made the decision to work on my own and have the opportunity to apply all the knowledge acquired but exercising the profession under the criteria and values ​​in which I really believe.
I consider the personalized, close, attentive and patient treatment with the client to be of the utmost importance when dealing with such personal matters as those involved in my specialization.
I try to achieve maximum involvement in every issue I have and I try to forge a relationship of trust between the lawyer and the client that allows him a peace of mind despite the problems he has in mind.

After a long day of work, my disconnection is to see the face of my son Pol, who with a simple smile gets me to forget everything else and realize that he is the true engine of my life.

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